Dominican Republic Quick Divorce
If you are looking for a quick and easy divorce and both parties agree to the divorce, the Dominican Republic has become the top destination for foreigners.
Thousands of people each year travel to the Dominican Republic to get a quick divorce. In fact even celebrities such as Mariah Carey, Diana Ross and Marc Anthony chose to get their divorce in the Dominican Republic.
Many countries, including most states in the United States accept foreign divorces. Before undertaking this procedure, it is imperative that you check that your country of residence does accept foreign divorces. Incompatibility of the parties is one of the grounds for divorce under the laws of the Dominican Republic. No culpability or fault need be alleged.
To complete the divorce, one spouse does need to travel to the Dominican Republic to attend the court. The other spouse can be represented by a lawyer. The attending spouse only needs to be in the country for one day, although most prefer to spend a little longer and enjoy the trip! Court appearances are normally scheduled for 9am; therefore, a one night stay is required. The plaintiff may arrive at any time the day before court appearance and leave after 2pm on the day of the court appearance if they so wish.
For more information, check out the Quick Divorce website.